Showing 1–12 of 84 results


1P-LSD also known as legal acid is a prodrug of LSD that shares virtually identical effects. Buy Shrooms Market sells the best quality of 1p lsd online in U.S.A and with a safe and discreet delivery guaranteed worldwide.

1P-LSD (125mcg) Blotter For Sale

By now, you’re probably familiar with LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide). It’s the quintessential psychedelic substance alongside the active ingredient in magic mushrooms — psilocybin. What you may not be familiar with is that there are actually dozens of analogs of LSD that have virtually identical effects. 1P-LSD is one such analog. The molecular difference is subtle, and recent research even suggests 1P-LSD is a prodrug of LSD. This means that when you take 1P-LSD, it’s converted to LSD to produce psychedelic effects. 1P-LSD is legal in Canada and held in a legal grey area in the United States.

How to Take 1P-LSD

1P-LSD is taken the same way as LSD. It’s spread out over a square of blotter paper and then held under the tongue for 10 or 15 minutes before swallowing it whole. The active ingredients are absorbed through the capillaries under the tongue, directly into the bloodstream. Most people hold LSD under the tongue for faster onset of effects because it allows it to enter the bloodstream directly — rather than having to travel through the digestive tract first.

1P-LSD (125mcg) Blotter For Sale

  • 1P-LSD
  • 125UG

5-Meo-DMT(Cartridge) 1mL Deadhead Chemist

Original price was: $400.00.Current price is: $318.00.

You will be in God’s lovely, vibrant dimension. The psychoactive toad encounter is transforming people’s lives. 5-MeO-DMT has been proven to increase life satisfaction over time while also reducing anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder.

  • 1mL
  • 300mg DMT
  • The Toad Experience
  • 40-80 puffs
  • Cartridge (works well with any 510 thread battery)

Buy African Kobe Magic Mushrooms

Buy African Kobe Magic Mushrooms Online African Kobe Psilocybe Cubensis Magic Mushroom Dosing Trip Level 1: Microdose (0.2-0.5g) A microdose

Buy African Transkei Magic Mushrooms


Buy the best African Transkei magic mushrooms in United States

Effects Indicator          10 = max Funny | Laughing           ********** 10 Body High | Energy        ********* 9 Hallucinations | Visuals  ****** 6 Auditive Hallucinations   ***** 5

Buy Albino A+ Magic Mushrooms


Buy the best A+ magic mushrooms in United States

Effects Indicator          10 = max Funny | Laughing           ******** 10 Body High | Energy        ******* 10 Hallucinations | Visuals  ********* 9 Auditive Hallucinations   ********* 9

Buy Amazonian Magic Mushrooms


Buy the best Amazonian magic mushrooms in United States

Effects Indicator          10 = max Funny | Laughing           ********** 10 Body High | Energy        ********* 10 Hallucinations | Visuals  ****** 8 Auditive Hallucinations   ***** 7

Buy B+Cubensis Magic Mushrooms

Looking for a way to add a little magic to your life? Well, look no further because our B+Cubensis Magic

Buy Blue Meanies Magic Mushrooms


Buy the best Blue Meanie magic mushrooms in United States

Effects Indicator          10 = max Funny | Laughing           ******** 10 Body High | Energy        ******* 8 Hallucinations | Visuals  ********* 9 Auditive Hallucinations   ********* 9